To instill a love of learning through open-ended opportunities in a safe, nurturing environment
that supports children in developing their concept of self & the world around them.

Quality Education & Care

Quality education and care go together, that is why at Early Discoveries we choose to offer smaller class sizes, providing higher teacher to child ratios than is required by licensing. This allows our dedicated team of Early Childhood Educators and teachers the ability to devote more quality time with each child in our programs. At Early Discoveries we recognize that when children feel safe and secure, they freely express themselves and develop to their full potential. We have observed that when something interests children, they not only become passionate with what they are doing, but the learning merges into the fun and excitement of discovery. That is why our teachers work very closely with families, to learn more about a child’s special interests and unique way of learning.

Child Negotiated Curriculum – Emergent Curriculum

At Early Discoveries we believe that together we make a greater difference. That is why we value and listen to your child’s ideas, incorporating them into the creation of new activities. This practice comes from our strong belief in the ‘emergent curriculum’ philosophy. When children in our programs observe that their interests and ideas are acknowledged and integrated into the centre’s program, it not only lifts their self esteem, it also sends a clear message that they matter! And they do! So if someone wants to design or build something, dance or invent a new game – we work together to see how we can make it happen! An experience for all enrolled.

A Focus on Social and Emotional Development

Life is full of challenges, changes and outcomes that do not always go the way we like or imagined. The life skills we need to thrive throughout our life are often things that aren’t always a focus in preschool curriculum. Phonics, math and fine motor skills are often in the forefront in most preschool curriculums.  However here at Early Discoveries we feel “Social & Emotional Development” and a “Positive Attitude” are at the top of our list. Why? Because we believe that if you have the right attitude that you develop into a solution finder and you look at any challenges as an opportunity to learn. We teach to not take mistakes or challenges personally, but to keep on trying. We model empathy and teach “together we’re better”. Strong interpersonal social skills support a child in feeling more confident and connected to their world and those around them. These attributes supports a child long after they leave preschool in that they are less likely to be found on any sidelines throughout their life, rather an active, happy, contributing member of society.

The Classroom as a Teacher

Many in our profession refer to the classroom as being a ‘teacher’, correlating the relationship between the Early Childhood Educators and the environment learning. Therefore the classroom and individual learning stations are respectfully set up to reflect and represent the present curriculum, allowing for the children to learn naturally through their self initiated interactions. The room is a direct expression of the learning objective. This is why when we are learning about Emily Carr you will not find dinosaurs in our sand table, but rather the items that we gathered from the forests that she painted.
